March 31, 2010

Is SO good, too good?

Could it be that I am actually permanently standing in a place of right-standing?

But is it not too good to be true? Have we dismissed the actual gospel just because we feel too unworthy from listening to the wrong christians rather than actually reading it for ourselves?

I feel heartbroken man. I went to a very modern, charismatic, (supposedly liberated) church not too long ago. It is in the centre of London so anybody could walk in. It wasn't anything in particular that they said, but the overall impression I got was that 'the worse it feels, the more it is God'. I am not saying that everything should feel good! And yes we go through trials. But we shouldn't welcome burdens which we were not meant to carry. Jesus said that his burden is LIGHT (Matt 11:30).

Some christians should really take it up with him if they don't feel worthy or justified enough by simply carrying their own little carry bag. But they shouldn't put it on other people who simply want to love him back, being already justified by his awesome act of love.