June 09, 2010

Understanding sovereignty - some notes

I just asked myself the question of why am I actually writing about topics like God's sovereignty - it seems like these are the controversial type topics that are perhaps better to ignore as it's not important.

But I realised that it IS important - it is important because it directly relates to how we perceive God. And it must be a practical and relevant thing if I keep thinking about it so often.

Not only that but if we believe the lie (no matter how small), then surely it must affect our freedom in some way. It makes me free to know that God is good, that I don't have to say "but you never know what the Lord may do, His ways are higher than our ways..." where of course the latter is true but we miss where the bible actually tells us to know His will. We can KNOW His will is what the bible teaches. David even prays "teach me Your ways oh Lord"! There are many verses that teach us what His will actually is!

It is an excuse and ignorant when something bad has happened to say that "well the Lord works in mysterious ways..." A good example would be when a christian dies too young - to then say God has taken them actually goes directly against His character! When He says to us with black on white (or whichever colour your bible is printed in!) that He has a good plan for us (Jer 29:11), that He will satisfy us with long life (like kind David - Ps 91:16), that He heals ALL our diseases (Ps 103:3).
