"We don't work for his presence. We work from his presence.
We don't work for the favor. We work from the favor."
- Rob Rufus in his teaching 'The Four Stages of Heaven Colonizing Earth'. (Also found here: http://ccihk.com/media/online-audio)
Skip to 46min into the audio file to the main message in order to miss the stuff which is more applicable to their local church in Hong Kong.
Something else he said - get this, the relationship between people who understand grace and people who are legalistic is described exactly in the parable of the lost son (Luke 15:11-31). The older brother was indignant because the Father gave his younger sinful brother his undeserved favor (grace) even though he didn't deserve or work for it like the older brother did! That's why many christians don't like grace - they have worked too hard towards righteousness (self-righteousness) that it doesn't even make sense to them!