April 22, 2010

A journal entry by AJ Bush

After hearing AJ read her journal entry on Rob Rufus's teaching 'Heaven's photo's in our imagination. 4 Stages of Heaven Colonising Earth - Part 3', I realised how much it reveals God's desire for a proper love-relationship as opposed to only being pleased when we perform our religious duties.

I was able to get hold of her as I wanted to post it here and make sure that I write it down correctly. She did revise it slightly and here it is!


Love has no structure. It knows no bounds. It is bountiful and all satisfying.

Religion and world's carnal reasoning has drained My bride of her colour. She has become mottled, monotone, a grey 2d canvas. Her emotions have flat-lined. She has tried so hard to be what I never asked her to be - to fit a mold that was never there. She bled her colour in self-righteous effort - denied herself pleasure, emotion and delight instead of receiving. Receiving the truth that I bled for her.

Emotion return, fire return to the church. My people begin to feel. Awake, awake oh sleeper from your carnal hypnoses and enter into My trance of love.

And do not awaken love until she desires. My beloved awake to My love and fall asleep on My chest.

When My church is dulled in religious attire she is unable to enter the ecstasies of Me. It's as if her nerves have been sealed, closed, soldered by a counterfeit-flame that has burned her.

But now I am beginning to blow, to blow back the multifaceted layers of emotion. The heights, depths, breadth of My love. Experience, experience; this is true revelation. Come and be with Me. Hearts will awaken to the colour of ongoing Spring. Constant life, birth, newness. Live in the season of favor. It is full of fragrance, romantic bliss.

I am attracted to you My bride, My lover. Your scent is sweet and alluring - it is a byproduct of your new nature. You cannot turn its waft on and off - it seeps from your new heart.

When My people feel, they are once again sensitized through the vibrance of emotion, to the colour, the rainbows that burst from My heart to theirs, then they will be lifted into heavenly bliss. Life will become adventure. Marriage will become pleasure. Church will flow with the mixed wine of the Spirit. Life will look different. The glory. Revival will come! Revival will come!